Zero/Ao no Kiseki (Crossbell Arc)

Trails of Cold Steel / Sen no Kiseki (Erebonia Arc)

Spin Off

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, karena ini game memang heavy di story jadi kasihan buat agan2 lain yang sampai ke spoiler 
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disarankan buat kasih judul di spoilernya seri game + chapter, seperti Spoiler FC Prologue/ Spoiler The 3rd ch 1/dll

A Guide to Trails Series

Pingin tahu apa itu Trails Series? yuk disimak sebentar

Spoiler for Trails Series:

Zemurian Continent

Start Line!
Trails in the Sky FC

Hailed as one of the largest, longest and most meticulously detailed turn-based JRPG series of all time, this first chapter in the ongoing Trails saga sets the stage for what's quickly become Ys developer Nihon Falcom's most popular and best-selling franchise in their entire 30+ year history.
Modern society owes much to a mystical technology known as “orbal energy.” Fifty years ago, during what’s come to be known as the “Orbal Revolution,” the invention of this technology and the “orbments” developed from it led to a period of rapid human advancement, birthing innovations of all shapes and sizes -- not the least of which was the airliner, or “orbalship” industry. Although the positive impact of this revolution is obvious, every coin has a flipside; for every beneficial device developed with these new materials, so too were advanced weapons and other implements of war. Thus, the land became mired with turmoil, and remains in such a state even now.
Enter, the bracers: an organization established to serve as police and intermediaries alike, holding above all else the peace and safety of the lands under their jurisdiction. Whenever a citizen is in need of assistance, he or she may place a request at the local Bracer Guild -- and be it monster extermination, crime prevention or even peace talks among warring nations, the bracers will do whatever they can to resolve the matter cleanly and efficiently.
Some matters require a gentler touch than others, however. When an orbalship transporting a legendary "S-rank" bracer named Cassius Bright suddenly goes missing, said bracer's daughter, Estelle, and adoptive son, Joshua, must join forces in search of him across the entire Kingdom of Liberl.
And what they find along the way could change both of their lives forever...
Hailed as one of the largest, longest and most meticulously detailed turn-based JRPG series of all time, this first chapter in the ongoing Trails saga sets the stage for what's quickly become Ys developer Nihon Falcom's most popular and best-selling franchise in their entire 30+ year history. Introducing people, places, ideas, events and lore that rival in complexity those of even the most highly-regarded fantasy epics in literature, the care and attention given to each and every NPC, location and historical in-game event is what sets The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky apart from its contemporaries.
Come join Estelle, Joshua, Scherazard, Olivier and the rest of the cast as they uncover the secret underbelly of Liberl in their first 50+ hour masterpiece, and see what Japanese gamers have been raving about for over ten years.
Key Features:
Enter, the bracers: an organization established to serve as police and intermediaries alike, holding above all else the peace and safety of the lands under their jurisdiction. Whenever a citizen is in need of assistance, he or she may place a request at the local Bracer Guild -- and be it monster extermination, crime prevention or even peace talks among warring nations, the bracers will do whatever they can to resolve the matter cleanly and efficiently.
Some matters require a gentler touch than others, however. When an orbalship transporting a legendary "S-rank" bracer named Cassius Bright suddenly goes missing, said bracer's daughter, Estelle, and adoptive son, Joshua, must join forces in search of him across the entire Kingdom of Liberl.
And what they find along the way could change both of their lives forever...
Hailed as one of the largest, longest and most meticulously detailed turn-based JRPG series of all time, this first chapter in the ongoing Trails saga sets the stage for what's quickly become Ys developer Nihon Falcom's most popular and best-selling franchise in their entire 30+ year history. Introducing people, places, ideas, events and lore that rival in complexity those of even the most highly-regarded fantasy epics in literature, the care and attention given to each and every NPC, location and historical in-game event is what sets The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky apart from its contemporaries.
Come join Estelle, Joshua, Scherazard, Olivier and the rest of the cast as they uncover the secret underbelly of Liberl in their first 50+ hour masterpiece, and see what Japanese gamers have been raving about for over ten years.
Key Features:
- The original version of the first chapter in this historical series, featuring strategic turn-based combat with unmatched customization.
- Over 50 hours of gameplay on average, with countless side-quests, collectibles and secrets to encourage replay.
- A vast world where every NPC has a name and personality, every town has its own unique politics and economic concerns, and no detail is ever trivial.
- Support for a wide variety of fullscreen and widescreen resolutions, including true 1080p HD.
- Fully adjustable controls supporting virtually any USB gamepad, as well as a standard keyboard and mouse setup.
- Over two dozen unique Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud support and Steam Trading Cards featuring gorgeous anime-style art from the franchise's original artists.
- Numerous updates previously seen only in the handheld version, including:
- Selectable difficulty level and new game+ features on subsequent playthroughs
- Full voice-acting during combat
- "Retry Offset" feature to lower the difficulty of battle with each attempt if desired
Developer: Nihon Falcom
Publisher: XSEED, Marvelous USA, Inc.
Release Date: 30 Jul, 2014 (PC/English)
Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita
Publisher: XSEED, Marvelous USA, Inc.
Release Date: 30 Jul, 2014 (PC/English)
Platform: Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita
Spoiler for System Requirement:
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Pentium III 550 MHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 32 MB VRAM, 3D accelerator compatible w/ DirectX 9.0c
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 3 GB available space
Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c
OS: Windows Vista, 7 or 8 (64-bit supported)
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 64 MB VRAM, 3D accelerator compatible w/ DirectX 9.0c
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 4 GB available space
Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Pentium III 550 MHz
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 32 MB VRAM, 3D accelerator compatible w/ DirectX 9.0c
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 3 GB available space
Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c
OS: Windows Vista, 7 or 8 (64-bit supported)
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: 64 MB VRAM, 3D accelerator compatible w/ DirectX 9.0c
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 4 GB available space
Sound Card: Compatible with DirectX 9.0c
Spoiler for SS:



Spoiler for Trailer:

Spoiler for Download:
Steam Version
Spoiler for Tips:
- Selalu lawan musuh dari belakang
Ini Penting banget gan, pertama ane maen jujur di awal2 prolog sangat kesulitan, darah cepet banget habis,, beberapa hit sama momon di jalan aja udah sekarat,, bolak balik kota juga jauh, baliknya kurang lagi, klo nyerang dari belakang bakal dapet semacam pre turn, jadi 1 party bisa nyerang duluan tanpa lihat speed dari momonnya
- Multiple Save Game
Save slot di game ini banyak banget, jangan ngesave di satu slot terus di tindih terus2an, buat jaga2 ntar misal kalo kelewatan sesuatu bisa balik ke save terdekat, kalo ane sendiri hampir ngesave setiap pindah2 map dalam dungeon, mau ada event tertentu, mau buka box, sama mau lawan boss/mini boss
- Buku Bracer
Banyak info - info penting berkaitan dengan gameplay/story yang udah ada di buku bracer, jadi kalo bingung tentang sesuatu coba baca disitu dulu, sudah lengkap info - infonya yang dibutuhkantermasuk variasi quarts buat dapetin arts tertentu
- Kumpulin Carnelia (FC) sama Gambler Jack(SC)
2 Seri novel itu berguna buat dapetin ultimate weapon di masing - masing gamenya,, mau dibaca juga boleh ceritanya lumayan
Vol.1 - Prologue. Right after returning to the lodge from the forest, check the bottom right room on second floor (it was locked beforehand).
Vol.2 - Chapter 1. It's up for exchange in the casino.
Vol.3 - Chapter 2. On the airship trip between Ruan and Zeiss, talk to Olivier a few times to get it. (Very short window of opportunity!)
Vol.4 - Chapter 3. After meeting the Erebonian Ambassador, talk to the librarian in the embassy.
Vol.5 - Chapter 3. After Renne leaves by herself, talk to Connor to get it.
Vol.6 - Chapter 4. Right after the investigation of the fog starts, talk to Serra in the residence next to the restaurant. You can also buy this volume in Bose later.
Vol.7 - Chapter 5. During the extermination of marked monsters, go to Krone Pass and talk to Mikey.
Vol.8 - End of Chapter 5. After defeating the dragon (but before going to the Valleria Shore), talk to Lewey in Ravennue.
Vol.9 - End of Chapter 5. After defeating the dragon (but before going to the Valleria Shore), talk to Carlos(?) in Haken Gate.
Vol.10 - Chapter 7. Before going to Sapphirl Tower, have Kloe in the party and talk to Antonio (the cat) on the airship deck. (Very short window of opportunity!)
Vol.11 - Chapter 8. After finishing the miner rescue hidden quest in Rolent, there will be a wedding Ceremony. After that's done, go to the restaurant and talk to Serra.
Vol.12 - Chapter 8. After finishing the Jenis Academy rescue hidden quest in Ruan, talk to Purity in the Humanities classroom.
Vol.13 - Chapter 8. After finishing the fixing the Elmo hot springs hidden quest, go to Wolf Fort and talk to Pace.
Vol.14 - Chapter 8. After delivering at least two [spoiler]s, go to Bose and talk to Mirano in the market.
Trading them in - Chapter 8. At the end of the chapter is an event where you must fight your way to the palace from the Bracer branch in Grencel. Before departing, go to the third floor and talk to Baral to get the Zemurian Stone.
Tips dari agan gdhendrapw
Spoiler for tips:
Original Posted By gdhendrapw►Ane kasih tips buat agan yang masih pemula di FC:
1. Baca buku bracer notebook
2. Sering2lah nge-save (agan ga perlu takut karena agan bisa nge-save tanpa ada batasan slot)
3. Jangan pernah jual sepith/batu bewarna (ane yang ga pernah jual aja masih kekurangan buat nuker quarts yang level paling tertingginya makan banyak sepith)
4. Kalo HP agan lagi kritis / perlu heal cari aja recovery point (seingat ane ada di rolent sewer, verte bridge, krone pass, air letten ama sanktheim gate) ketimbang beli items penyembuh atau nginep di hotel biar hemat uang
5. Kalo agan jauh dari recovery point, disarankan heal pake resep/masakan ketimbang item lainnya karena jika agan memakan masakan agan akan dapat resep masakan yang bisa agan buat sendiri menggunakan ingredient yang didapat dari musuh
6. Usahakan agan "membokongi" monster biar dapat turn tambahan dan jangan sampai "dibokongi"
7. Untuk Fc, agan masih bisa menang dan tamat dengan cara "rambo" (attack, attack, heal) tanpa debuffs walau tidak berlaku buat semua musuh . Tetapi untuk SC jangan harap.
8. Menurut ane, dungeon tower yang paling susah karena ada banyak tipe musuh dan musuh keroyokan plus monster treasure tapi banyak ada items yang bagus jadi persiapkan diri agan.
9. Kalo mau nyari sepith dan exp yang banyak lebih baik lawan shinning pom tapi satu-satunya cara ngalahinnya harus pake S-craft
10. Sebelum melawan boss atau road monster usahakan party agan lebih dari 2 dan S-craft udah penuh (200 CP) biar lebih gampang menang
11. Usahakan "berinteraksi" dengan NPC karena kadang dapet sesuatu atau bahkan memicu hidden quest
1. Baca buku bracer notebook
2. Sering2lah nge-save (agan ga perlu takut karena agan bisa nge-save tanpa ada batasan slot)
3. Jangan pernah jual sepith/batu bewarna (ane yang ga pernah jual aja masih kekurangan buat nuker quarts yang level paling tertingginya makan banyak sepith)
4. Kalo HP agan lagi kritis / perlu heal cari aja recovery point (seingat ane ada di rolent sewer, verte bridge, krone pass, air letten ama sanktheim gate) ketimbang beli items penyembuh atau nginep di hotel biar hemat uang
5. Kalo agan jauh dari recovery point, disarankan heal pake resep/masakan ketimbang item lainnya karena jika agan memakan masakan agan akan dapat resep masakan yang bisa agan buat sendiri menggunakan ingredient yang didapat dari musuh
6. Usahakan agan "membokongi" monster biar dapat turn tambahan dan jangan sampai "dibokongi"
7. Untuk Fc, agan masih bisa menang dan tamat dengan cara "rambo" (attack, attack, heal) tanpa debuffs walau tidak berlaku buat semua musuh . Tetapi untuk SC jangan harap.
8. Menurut ane, dungeon tower yang paling susah karena ada banyak tipe musuh dan musuh keroyokan plus monster treasure tapi banyak ada items yang bagus jadi persiapkan diri agan.
9. Kalo mau nyari sepith dan exp yang banyak lebih baik lawan shinning pom tapi satu-satunya cara ngalahinnya harus pake S-craft
10. Sebelum melawan boss atau road monster usahakan party agan lebih dari 2 dan S-craft udah penuh (200 CP) biar lebih gampang menang
11. Usahakan "berinteraksi" dengan NPC karena kadang dapet sesuatu atau bahkan memicu hidden quest
Spoiler for Good match for/ not good match for:
Cocok buat:
- Penggemar JRPG
situ penggemar JRPG? gk pernah coba game ini? wajib cobain sekarang gan

- Cari Story, Character, narative yang keren
Kiseki series dikenal sama character & narative yang superb gan, loveable character dan cerita yang keren ane jamin bakal ditemuin dalam game ini, world building dan npc npcnya sangat detail dan punya cerita masing - masing

- cari soundtrack keren
dari music yang nge beat sampe yang mellow semua keren2

Gk cocok buat:
- Non Gamers

- kurang suka membaca
oke, ini yang menjadi alasan utama kenapa game ini gk cocok buat ente

Menurut XSEED jumlah text dari Trails in the Sky SC sekitar 716.401 kata, klo digabung sama text dari FC yang sekitar setengah dari SC mungkin sekitar 400k, di total dpt kira2 1,1 jt kata. Buat bandingan novel standar sekitar 1/10 dari SC, Lord of the Ring Trilogy sekitar 455k, dan bandingan dari game Visual Novel, Clannad total textnya 1,29 jt, grisaia no kajitsu 1 jt. Well,, jadi singkatnya kalau situ mau maen ini game harus siap buat baca text sebanyak itu

STEAM Very Positive 93% (1,904 reviews)
Metacritic 85
Hardcore Gamer 4.5/5
RPG Fan 90
RPGamer 4/5
RPG Site 8/10
Best Traditional RPG 2011 (RPG Fan)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is Worth Your Time
JRPGs, We're Close To A Reconciliation
My Little Review (Bahasa Indonesia)
Metacritic 85
Hardcore Gamer 4.5/5
RPG Fan 90
RPGamer 4/5
RPG Site 8/10
Best Traditional RPG 2011 (RPG Fan)
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky is Worth Your Time
JRPGs, We're Close To A Reconciliation
My Little Review (Bahasa Indonesia)

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